"GENTLEMEN, I give you old Canarsie. May the puce and green never falter." The Councillor, legal adviser to the biggest racketeer in New York, proposed the toast, and Canarsie University was founded. Founded not to educate anyone, but simply to make it possible for the Chief, Knucks McGloin, to take a slice of the tremendous gate receipts of a great American institution, Intercollegiate Football.

The "puce and green" never did falter. On the field, good old Canarsie was invincible with a team composed of wrestlers and pugs. Canarsie didn't even have to chisel its opponents. A score was like taking candy from a baby. With a student cheering section of mobsmen in coonskins and chorines wearing the "puce and green", they swept the country. And so on until Canarsie met her at a game which would have made any battlefield sound like a tea party.

A rip-roaring yarn this, of chiselers, mobsmen, pineapples, and punks.

This special edition of RACKETY RAX by Joel Sayre has been made avail-able to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime