THE ACTION of Tomorrow Will Sing centers around Lt. Eddie Amato. Long bland farm boy of Italian extraction; his uncle Gennaro, owner of one of the largest farms near the place in southern Italy where Eddie's bomber group found itself based; his cousin Ricardo, formerly a Black Shirt lieutenant, the peasants of the district; Eddie's magnificently characterized fellow crew members— and Nina, about whom you will wish to read.

This is the Italy of intensely warm and individual personalities, not political abstractions. It is the story of young Americans and the sort of marks they are leaving upon their environment as well as the marks their environment is leaving upon them.

Elliott Arnold enlisted as a private in the Air Corps. He became an officer. He was assigned to the North African, then, the Italian Theater. The actual combat experience which he had there as intelligence observer, and the opportunities which were afforded him to travel about the Mediterranean Theater in the preparation of the book Mediterranean Sweep,  are reflected in these pages.

This special edition of TOMORROW WILL SING by Elliott Arnold has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher. Duell. Sloan & Pearce, Inc., New York.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime