Raw Walnuts Unshelled 1/2 Organic Highest in Quality from the Hellenic Macedonian Land
Variety: Chandler
Origin: West Macedonia, Hellas  *  PRODUCT OF GREECE  * Harvest Date: 11/2023

These delicious organic walnuts come directly from a small family-owned bio farm in Hellas, West Macedonia.
They are super healthy and tasty and in their purest form! Walnuts are one of the most nutritious nuts with many health benefits. Walnuts are also considered to be one of the oldest tree foods known to Man.
We can eat them raw as a snack or add them - raw or even cooked - to our breakfast, salads or desserts, either sweet or savoury dishes and they are particularly useful for baking.

The first people to cultivate walnuts, according to Cambridge University Press (Mediterranean nuts: origins, ancient medicinal benefits and symbolism, 2011) were the ancient Hellenes, who used them not only for food, but also as medicine and dyes for hair, wool and cloth. Back then, Romans discovered their merits and were willing to pay dearly for the luxury of serving them along with fruits as a dessert. 

Chandler variety produces large nuts with an average weight of 12 grams. The shell size is approximately 4 cm and it has a smooth shape. Inside the shell, Chandler walnuts hide inside them these delicious raw kernels of highest quality you can buy from Hellenic Goodies! 

Walnuts have been identified as a naturally nutraceutical food, which means they are something between food and pharmaceuticals. Nutraceuticals as a word is a neologism derived from the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, invented by Dr. Stephen L. DeFelice in 1989 (Stephen L. DeFelice, The NutraCeutical Revolution: Fuelling a Powerful, New International Market, 1989). Not all foods are the same, that's for sure. So, we follow the advice of Hippocrates (Ιπποκράτης), the "father" of medicine, who around 400 B.C. said: " LET FOOD BE YOUR MEDICINE AND YOUR MEDICINE BE YOUR FOOD".

At this point, and before start talking about natural healing and eating whole, it is important to add that according to Etsy's Medical Drug Claims policy, we are not allowed to share the medicinal use of our products. That's why we encourage you to do your own research on the web about any product in our Etsy shop prior placing your order. In the case you have any questions or queries regarding any of our products, you should send us a message via ‘Etsy Conversations’ and we will be more than happy to assist you :)

All goodies here are qualified and certified, as biological and organic unprocessed Hellenic products, by one of the strongest organisations in Europe. Certification of organic products is carried out in accordance with Community law (834/07, 889/08) and national legislation (Ministerial Decision 2543/103240/09.10.2017).

note: Organic and biological farming are closer to the real art of traditional farming as they respect the environment by minimising the use of external inputs. HellenicGoodies' farmers prefer organic and natural living, so they focus on quality rather that quantity. At the same time, as the followed processes are non-automatic, every single one of the goodies are hand-harvested and generally hand-treated during all steps in the production process. In addition, we believe that our farmers' latest mission to upgrade their organic farm into a biodynamic one is something really inspiring and challenging and for sure it goes the whole concept of natural living a step further! For the record: Biodynamics - from the Hellenic word Βίος meaning life and Δυναμικός (adj) meaning producing change, action or effects & Δυναμική (noun), meaning dynamics (pl.) is the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation - is a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming and gardening, rooted in the work of Anthroposophy (R. Steiner) - from the Hellenic word Άνθρωπος meaning Man (Human as a species) and Σοφία meaning wisdom.