"A WHITE CHIP in a no-limit game”—that was Hugh Tracy, whose small holding was jammed between those of two cattle barons if the great Southwest. Hugh was kicked around plenty until, with a girl at his side, he determined to fight back. Night-stalking. grim-mouthed killers, bullet-swept gulches, raw courage, and ruthless outlawry are all in Starlight Rider.

Ernest Haycox, who has been called America's top-notch Western writer, serializes regularly in Collier's, Adventure, and The Saturday Evening Post. His life is as rough and rugged as any of his stories. On his own at eleven, he sold papers, bell-hopped, wandered the sage county, trucked burlap, fished in Alaska, served time as a peanut butcher on railroads, and at seventeen was a sergeant in France drilling rookies in World War I. He brought a platoon of New York Italians back to Camp Dix. and fourteen of than were going to “bust him all up," but they were so glad to get discharged that they forgot about it and actually shook his hand on leaving. He now lives in Portland, Oregon.

This special edition of STARLIGHT RIDER by Ernest Haycox has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the author’s agent.

Editions for the Armed Services. Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime