This exceptional book, titled "Roots & Reflections" is a masterpiece by the renowned American artist Bob Timberlake. This 1st edition hardcover book is a personalized and inscribed piece that includes a personal letter from the artist, making it a perfect addition to any collection of art and photography.

The book is printed in English and is signed by Bob Timberlake himself. It also contains illustrations that add to the beauty of the book. The book is truly one of a kind and is a must-have for collectors. Get your hands on this amazing book and add it to your collection today.

Missing original dust jacket

This was a gift from Bob Timberlake himself- he included a letter on personal letterhead to the recipient. In this letter, he stated it was “one of the very few pre-release copies” coming out the following spring. He affectionately signed his letter “Bob”.

The combination of signature and letter makes this piece a true collectible and one of a kind!