Insects: Amazing Images of Fascinating Creatures von Michael Chinery

Art Nr.: 1844035530
ISBN 13: 9781844035533
B-Nr: INF1000081062
SubTitle: 2007 . 288 p. w. 250 figs. . 34 cm .;
ReleaseYear: 2007
Published by: Cassell Illustrated
Cover: Gebundene Ausgabe
Cover Format: 344x0x0 mm
Pages: 288
Weight: 2600 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Michael Chinery

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Insects are endlessly fascinating creatures. The images in this book afford the reader a rare and intimate glimpse of their almost alien world and include information on all aspects of their lives from their lifecycle and habitats to the amazing ingenuity of their defence tricks, whilst rarely seen up close and personal views taken with electron scanners highlight the intricacy and complexity of these tiny beings. The superb colour photographs cover a myriad of species from every corner of the globe - from searingly hot deserts to steamy rainforests, shady woodlands to meandering rivers and the informed text accompanies each photograph reveals something new about these tiny, intricate creatures and how their seemingly unimportant existence actually plays a vital role in the world on a large scale.

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