LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Micro Lyric préampli + volume


Disponibilité:  Disponible en stock fournisseur
Livraison:  Sous 4 jours ouvrés
Garantie: 1 an pièces & main-d`'oeuvre

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LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Micro Lyric préampli + volume

C'est une évidence que le microphone est la meilleure technologie pour capturer le son d'une guitare acoustique. Pour cette raison, le Anthem, qui associe un microphone et un capteur piezo sous sillet fut une véritable avancée dans le monde de l'amplification acoustique. Avec le Lyric, LR Baggs va plus loin dans ce sens en proposant un micro pour guitare acoustique qui se suffit à lui-même. Le Lyric, c'est comme un micro de studio dans votre guitare. Très peu sensible au larsen, il se fixe sous le sillet grâce à un adhésif et ne nécessite donc aucune modification sur l'instrument. Pour parvenir à cette prouesse technique, LR Baggs à conçu un micro ultra léger qui, bien positionné, démultiplie le principe de zones de pression de façon à entendre l'intégralité de spectre de l'instrument tout en rejetant les réflexions internes non désirées. Cette technologie permet au micro d'agir de l'intérieur comme s'il se situait devant la guitare. Côté pré-amplification, le Lyric bénéficie aussi des dernières avancées technologiques en matière de traitement dynamique analogique. Développé par l'ingénieur Tommy Linn, ce préampli corrige le signal primaire capté par le micro de manière à conserver des basses et de l'attaque. Cela permet d'éviter que le son ne devienne agressif lors de fortes attaques. Le boîtier de contrôle situé sur le bord de la rosace dispose d'un contrôle de volume et de présence.

Caractéristiques :

  • Le micro Lyric
  • Le boitier de commande : volume et présence
  • Un étui en nylon pour y ranger la pile.
  • Des bandes double face pour fixer les pièces sans modifier la guitare
  • - La sortie jack tube et son cable

LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume


319,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 1 year by manufacturer

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LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume

It's obvious that the microphone is the best technology for capturing the sound of an acoustic guitar. That's why the Anthem, which combines a microphone with an under-saddle piezo pickup, was such a breakthrough in the world of acoustic amplification. With the Lyric, LR Baggs has taken this concept a step further, offering an acoustic guitar pickup that stands on its own. The Lyric is like a studio mic in your guitar. With very low feedback, it attaches to the underside of the saddle with an adhesive strip, requiring no modification to the instrument. To achieve this technical feat, LR Baggs has designed an ultra-lightweight pickup which, when correctly positioned, multiplies the principle of pressure zones so as to hear the full spectrum of the instrument, while rejecting unwanted internal reflections. This technology allows the pickup to act from the inside as if it were in front of the guitar. On the pre-amplification side, the Lyric also benefits from the latest technological advances in analog dynamic processing. Developed by engineer Tommy Linn, this preamp corrects the primary signal picked up by the pickup to retain bass and attack. This prevents the sound from becoming aggressive during strong attacks. The control box on the edge of the rosette features a volume and presence control.

Features :

  • Lyric microphone
  • Control unit: volume and presence
  • Nylon case for battery storage.
  • Double-sided tape for attaching parts without modifying the guitar
  • Tube jack output and cable

LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume


319,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 1 year by manufacturer


LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume

It's obvious that the microphone is the best technology for capturing the sound of an acoustic guitar. That's why the Anthem, which combines a microphone with an under-saddle piezo pickup, was such a breakthrough in the world of acoustic amplification. With the Lyric, LR Baggs has taken this concept a step further, offering an acoustic guitar pickup that stands on its own. The Lyric is like a studio mic in your guitar. With very low feedback, it attaches to the underside of the saddle with an adhesive strip, requiring no modification to the instrument. To achieve this technical feat, LR Baggs has designed an ultra-lightweight pickup which, when correctly positioned, multiplies the principle of pressure zones so as to hear the full spectrum of the instrument, while rejecting unwanted internal reflections. This technology allows the pickup to act from the inside as if it were in front of the guitar. On the pre-amplification side, the Lyric also benefits from the latest technological advances in analog dynamic processing. Developed by engineer Tommy Linn, this preamp corrects the primary signal picked up by the pickup to retain bass and attack. This prevents the sound from becoming aggressive during strong attacks. The control box on the edge of the rosette features a volume and presence control.

Features :

  • Lyric microphone
  • Control unit: volume and presence
  • Nylon case for battery storage.
  • Double-sided tape for attaching parts without modifying the guitar
  • Tube jack output and cable

LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume


319,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 1 year by manufacturer


LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume

It's obvious that the microphone is the best technology for capturing the sound of an acoustic guitar. That's why the Anthem, which combines a microphone with an under-saddle piezo pickup, was such a breakthrough in the world of acoustic amplification. With the Lyric, LR Baggs has taken this concept a step further, offering an acoustic guitar pickup that stands on its own. The Lyric is like a studio mic in your guitar. With very low feedback, it attaches to the underside of the saddle with an adhesive strip, requiring no modification to the instrument. To achieve this technical feat, LR Baggs has designed an ultra-lightweight pickup which, when correctly positioned, multiplies the principle of pressure zones so as to hear the full spectrum of the instrument, while rejecting unwanted internal reflections. This technology allows the pickup to act from the inside as if it were in front of the guitar. On the pre-amplification side, the Lyric also benefits from the latest technological advances in analog dynamic processing. Developed by engineer Tommy Linn, this preamp corrects the primary signal picked up by the pickup to retain bass and attack. This prevents the sound from becoming aggressive during strong attacks. The control box on the edge of the rosette features a volume and presence control.

Features :

  • Lyric microphone
  • Control unit: volume and presence
  • Nylon case for battery storage.
  • Double-sided tape for attaching parts without modifying the guitar
  • Tube jack output and cable

LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume


319,00 €

Availability:  Available in supplier stock
Processing time:  Under 4 working days
Guaranty: 1 year by manufacturer


LR BAGGS - LYRIC - Microphone Lyric preamp + volume

It's obvious that the microphone is the best technology for capturing the sound of an acoustic guitar. That's why the Anthem, which combines a microphone with an under-saddle piezo pickup, was such a breakthrough in the world of acoustic amplification. With the Lyric, LR Baggs has taken this concept a step further, offering an acoustic guitar pickup that stands on its own. The Lyric is like a studio mic in your guitar. With very low feedback, it attaches to the underside of the saddle with an adhesive strip, requiring no modification to the instrument. To achieve this technical feat, LR Baggs has designed an ultra-lightweight pickup which, when correctly positioned, multiplies the principle of pressure zones so as to hear the full spectrum of the instrument, while rejecting unwanted internal reflections. This technology allows the pickup to act from the inside as if it were in front of the guitar. On the pre-amplification side, the Lyric also benefits from the latest technological advances in analog dynamic processing. Developed by engineer Tommy Linn, this preamp corrects the primary signal picked up by the pickup to retain bass and attack. This prevents the sound from becoming aggressive during strong attacks. The control box on the edge of the rosette features a volume and presence control.

Features :

  • Lyric microphone
  • Control unit: volume and presence
  • Nylon case for battery storage.
  • Double-sided tape for attaching parts without modifying the guitar
  • Tube jack output and cable
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LR Baggs