304 Stainless Steel Groove Ball Bearings S6000Z-S6014Z

Material304 Stainless Steel
Advantages Non-magnetic, acid-resistant
Disadvantage Low hardness, not wear-resistant.

304 material contains a large amount of nickel and less carbon, soft material hardness 25 degrees, not suitable for high load operation, suitable for strong acidic and alkaline environment use.
The company sells 304 products raw materials are national standard 304 material, bearing accessories outer ring inner ring cage ball and dust cover are 304 material, the products sold to support the strong magnetic detection, strong magnetic is weak magnetic, general magnetic is non-magnetic, strong magnetic is the bearing does not follow the magnet walking for the standard, but also can potion detection, spectrometer detection.


Widely used in the industry and in the production of equipment and machine parts requiring good all-round performance (corrosion resistance and formability).
