Limelight Collections

Welcome to our treasure trove of vintage and antique pieces! Each item in this collection embodies the rich history and unique craftsmanship of eras past. From captivating paintings to nostalgic posters, delve into a world where art meets timeless elegance.

Item Description: Original 1902 Atlas of Suffolk County Volume 1 Ocean Shore E. Belcher Hyde

Item Details:

 Why Choose Limelight?

Embrace the allure of the past with our curated selection. Each piece tells a story and carries a unique character that adds an extraordinary touch to any space. Whether you're a collector, a connoisseur of vintage art, or seeking a statement piece for your home, these treasures offer both beauty and a glimpse into history.

Care & Handling:

Can be used as intended.

Shipping & Returns:

Shipping varies item to item, and is calculated based on the buyer's location. We ship quickly and with extreme care, no need to worry. Returns are only accepted if the item does not match its description in the listing.

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Feel free to reach out with any inquiries or concerns. We're passionate about these treasures and love sharing their stories!

Thank you for exploring our collection. Each piece holds a piece of history and invites you to be part of its journey. Happy exploring!