DR.LANDIS was well equipped to write this book. He was graduated from Lehigh University (1902) and was later honored by it with the degree of Doctor of Science. His whole life was devoted to the chemical industry, and he received many distinctions and awards for his contributions to industrial chemistry—among them the Chemical Industries Medal and the Perkin Medal. He wrote numerous ankles for scientific magazines and was owner of over fifty patents in the metallurgical and chemical fields.

Your Servant the Molecule was written to satisfy inquiries repeatedly put to him for an explanatory, yet not too technical, book on the chemistry behind the many objects that the ordinary citizen comes into contact with in modern living. He covers, the field well from vitamin pills to high octane gasoline, nylons to motion picture film, soaps to explosives, etc., explaining discoveries, formulae, research, processes of manufacture, engineering, and capital behind the industry — showing how we receive a better standard of living and the molecule has become our servant.

This special edition of YOUR SERVANT THE MOLECULE by Walter S. Landis has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher. The Macmillan Company, New York.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime