Kama Sutra Tantric Lovers Game

The Kama Sutra Tantric Lovers Game - Reaching new Sensual & Sexual Heights Tantra is an ancient practice focusing on the art of lovemaking, blending the flow of Yin (female) and Yang (male) energy for a profound mind, body and spirit connection. The Tantric Lovers Game is an experience for the two of you to learn Tantra and achieve this "ultimate" connectedness. Created for any loving couple, this fun and easy to play game presents basic and advanced Tantric techniques and activities enabling the two of you to expand your sensual and sexual horizons. You will appreciate each other and discover a richer, more rewarding life together, and a more gratifying emotional bonding.Contents:* 2 sided game board* 2 gladd playing pieces* 1 game timer* A Chakra chart* 1 die* Game instructions

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