You will receive 20 FRESH DESERT ROSE SEEDS, easy to grow, is originally from Africa. You will receive fresh 2024 seeds, the pods just opened.

Desert Roses are one of the easiest to grow from Seed and is a most rewarding experience to watch them grow. See photos for the various colours which seeds from one pod could produce

Full planting instructions will be enclosed with seeds. Plant seeds spring to summer for best results.

(Adenium) Desert Rose seeds will be mix Colours of pinks to red.

Produce spectaculars Flowers in many colours, see photos

Easy to adapt to a broad range of conditions, you can even Bonsai them.

Very hardy succulent and maintenance free. Loves warm weather.

I find they do better by getting some shade through the day. Because they are called DESERT Rose, it does not mean they don?t like water, but not too much.

A unique feature is the bulb, it can grow in all sorts of shapes and could look like a bonsai as some of mine do.