The frightening grip of cancer uncovers strengths and weaknesses within the human spirit. For Ethan Clarke, a very personal battle with the disease reveals hidden demons that had been stifling his sexual identity and his connections with others. These demons had kept him from enjoying health and happiness and from accepting the healing powers of change. Ethan, however, had some formidable allies to face down these foes: Ethan's close friend, Sophie, the camaraderie found at the local Y, the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program, the idea of one day finding love, and the human will to survive. When Ethan is persuaded to mail a letter to a fellow survivor, a sporting hero from the past, and faces the possibility of meeting this hero, he realizes he must find the strength to fight the disease and the strength to embrace hope and self-confidence. A Love Letter describes one man's fight against cancer, the many levels of support and community found in the YMCA, and the power of friendship.

Michael Roberts works in IT Support but has always enjoyed writing. As a child, he wrote a short story about a boy with a magic tea tray; when Michael's father entered it into a national competition, this story became a runner-up.

Mick is a huge fan of Manchester United and has seen over a thousand matches in fourteen countries. He writes articles for a Manchester United fanzine and is in the process of putting together stories for a book following the club.

Mick enjoys walking in the British countryside and, as a keen real ale imbiber, loves the country pubs that he is often fortunate enough to find at the end of nearly every walk. He will shortly have a piece published in the Fylde Ale CAMRA magazine.