Antique wrought iron Gothic Revival corbel salvaged from the French Huguenot Church in Charleston, South Carolina.

(Provenance told to me firsthand from the man who salvaged this historic gem.)

I’ve cleaned it to remove much of the rust, but there’s still work to be done should you wish to continue. I date this corbel to 1844 based off the details below (per the French Huguenot Church’s website).


8-3/4” height

6-1/8” width

1-1/4” depth

2 lbs

“The original church was destroyed in a fire in 1796. The replacement for the original building was completed in 1800 and dismantled in 1844 to make way for the present Gothic Revival edifice, designed by Edward Brickell White and dedicated in 1845. The church was damaged by shellfire during the long bombardment of downtown in the War Between the States and was nearly demolished in the severe earthquake of 1886.”

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