The Poetry of Thought: From Hellenism to Celan | George Steiner | englisch

Autor: George Steiner
Format: gebunden
Seitenanzahl: 224
Verlag: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Erscheinungsdatum: 20120115
Sprache: englisch
Genre: Importe
Höhe in mm: 25
Länge in mm: 205
Breite in mm: 140
Gewicht in g: 386

With his hallmark forceful discernment, George Steiner presents in The Poetry of Thought his magnum opus: an examination of more than two millennia of Western culture, staking out his claim for the essential oneness of great thought and great style. Sweeping yet precise, moving from essential detail to bracing illustration, Steiner spans the entire history of philosophy in the West as it entwines with literature, finding that, as Sartre stated, in all philosophy there is "a hidden literary prose."

"The poetic genius of abstract thought," Steiner believes, "is lit, is made audible. Argument, even analytic, has its drumbeat. It is made ode. What voices the closing movements of Hegel's Phenomenology better than Edith Piaf's non de non, a twofold negation which Hegel would have prized? This essay is an attempt to listen more closely."

Extraordinary Fellow of Churchill College at Cambridge University and the author of dozens of books (The Death of Tragedy, After Babel, Martin Heidegger, In Bluebeard's Castle), George Steiner is one of the world's foremost intellectuals.