Silver Spoon, Vol. 15 | Hiromu Arakawa | englisch

Autor: Hiromu Arakawa
Format: kartoniert
Seitenanzahl: 208
Verlag: Yen Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 20200922
Sprache: englisch
Übersetzt von: Amanda Haley
Altersempfehlung: von 14 bis 17 Jahren
Genre: Importe
Band: 15
Serie: Silver Spoon
Höhe in mm: 19
Länge in mm: 207
Breite in mm: 144
Gewicht in g: 256

Hachiken's last-minute decision to apply to Ooezo University of Animal Husbandry has him scrambling to cram as much studying as he can into a few short months! Over the course of his Ezo Ag career, Hachiken has never been one to shy away from hard work, from organizing pizza parties to making festival preparations to starting his own business-not to mention slaving away in service of the livestock! This final push will set Hachiken and Silver Spoon on the path to a successful future!!

Hiromu Arakawa, artist of Hero Tales, is the creator behind the hit manga sensation Fullmetal Alchemist. Her work on Fullmetal was honored with the Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award 2011 for her innovation.