Excellent Six-Pattern Obi, Maika Pattern, Black Background, Gold Thread, Masterpiece

This beautiful vintage fukuro obi is woven with gold silk thread and has meticulous detail.

Recommended uses: Wear with your finest kimono, a beautifully hung piece for your wall at home or office or as a bed runner.
However you choose, it will bring happiness to your home with a sense of pride, prestige, wealth and beauty.

It is a double belt with a design suitable for auspicious seats.
It can also be used for high-class seats, so please do not miss it.

Length: 170 in. Width: 12 in
In very good condition
Artist mark

Country of origin: Japan
Material / component: Obi 100% silk


Today when you think of a standard traditional formal style obi, you’re probably thinking of a Fukuro Obi. Fukuro Obi are made from one strip of decorated fabric – usually silk – with another plainer lining for the inside. Written 袋帯, it means bag belt, because of the way it is sewn in two parts.
For formal occasions, you would normally wear a fukuro obi, although some can be casual too.

Fukuro obi is beautifully hung as a wall tapestry and will amaze you with the energy and happiness it brings to your home.

Thank you and please feel free to contact me with any questions.