NEVER in the American scene has there been a livelier, lustier character than the late and profane Colonel Allen.

Before he took Ticonderoga, Ethan Allen had lived more lives than most men. Of the fourteen years after that, he spent two in chains. With his Green Mountain Boys he rode roughshod over the Vermont hills and valleys, beating and driving out the dummy Settlers from New York. When the Province of New York put a price of £100 on his head, he promptly posted a reward for the capture of its officials. Later he fought New York and Great Britain simultaneously, and both of them lost.

As tosspot none could match him. Always a highly unconventional thinker whose judgment—or impulse—was hasty but sound, he was the one and original old ring-tailed peeler. And when it came to downright - courage, he had few peers.

Stewart Holbrook, Ethan Allen's biographer and like him a native Vermonter, sees Allen with a realistic eye, noting his appearances in police court, his vast real estate operations, his hoss-trading with the British Army, and his celebrated abilities in back-woods taverns. He calls him a generous and staunch friend, a violent enemy, and an indomitable, hell-roaring swashbuckler.

This special edition of ETHAN ALLEN has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher, The Macmillan Company, New York.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime


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