Canon FD 135mm f/2.8 lens

with CANON EF mount*

*-this lens is converted from Canon FD mount to Canon EF mount with 'hard' mount a'la Simmod, with NO glass inside, so now it allow to focus to infinity without any problems

Comes with: front slip-on cap (third party); rear Canon FD cap (third party); front O.D. 80mm ring for matte boxes

This is FULL FRAME format lens


there's NO deep scratches, deep 'cleaning marks', cracks or any other serious damages on glasses; there's NO fungus, haze, fog, separations or any other serious damages inside optical construction; lens has some violet marks/spots on one of internal glasses coatings, visible when you look inside under bright light, under some angle, they won't be visible on any photos or movies for sure; lens has few MICRO 'cleaning marks' inside optical construction, but they are faint ones, not deep ones, visible just when you look through lens under strong light; lens has a lot of MICRO spots on front glasses coatings, visible, when you look at front glass under strong light, looks like MICRO coating missing; lens has some pieces of MICRO dust inside optical construction

focus ring works smooth, without any problems, as lens was fully CLA'd like month ago or so; lens can work a BIT unregular in one place and can be a BIT dry, even after service, but this is how it is with some old lenses, but still lens works really good, as for old lens; aperture ring works smooth and fine; aperture stops to the end without any problems; aperture blades with NO grease on them, they close to the end; lens is professionally converted from Canon FD to Canon EF mount with 'hard' aluminium mount (it's not adapter, with glass inside, it's new mount mounted in place of old FD mount), so it focus to infinity now with all Canon EF mounted cameras

there are just NORMAL signs of use on lens casing, as can be seen on real pictures; lens casing with some light scratches and light paint missing on it, most signs of use are on it's build lens hood; lens scale numbers are in excellent shape, still very visible; there are NO serious damages on lens casing, like serious dents or cracks

Our RATINGS in items description are:

MINT (100-95%) -> PERFECT (80-95%) -> EXCELLENT (60-80%) -> VERY GOOD (40-60%) -> GOOD (20-40%) -> POOR (5-20%)


Europe   [Priority Parcel; takes 5 to 10 w/days to deliver] - 29 USD
  [Priority Parcel; takes 7 to 21 w/days to deliver] - 49 USD