PSO-MINI Night Black: A compact version of the original PSO-RITE, the Night Black PSO-MINI offers portable, targeted muscle relief, perfect for smaller muscles and on-the-go recovery.

PSO-MINI Ocean Blue: The Ocean Blue variant of the PSO-MINI combines the convenience of portability with the therapeutic benefits of precise muscle targeting in a tranquil color.

PSO-MINI Sunset Red: Bright and bold, the Sunset Red PSO-MINI provides all the advantages of its compact design, including ease of use and effectiveness in muscle recovery, in a vibrant hue.

PSO-MINI Pso Pink: This Pso Pink version of the PSO-MINI is not only eye-catching but also incredibly functional, offering focused muscle relief in a small, easily transportable form.

PSO-MINI Bora Teal Blue: The Bora Teal Blue PSO-MINI stands out for its color and compactness, ideal for targeting specific muscle groups while fitting easily into any lifestyle or gym bag.

Product Description

pso-rite, Pain, Release, Massage Tool, massager, psoas pain, tight muscles, body pain relief
pso-rite, Pain, Release, Massage Tool, massager, psoas pain, tight muscles, body pain relief
pso-rite, Pain, Release, Massage Tool, massager, psoas pain, tight muscles, body pain relief
pso-rite, Pain, Release, Massage Tool, massager, psoas pain, tight muscles, body pain relief