Elevate your wardrobe with these two pairs of vintage Levi's 518 jeans, featuring a regular fit and a 32-inch waist and leg.

Made of high-quality denim fabric, these jeans come in regular blue and boast a mid-rise height waist of 10-12 inches. They have been very much loved and well-worn. ‘My go-to casual clothing trouser garment'.

Over time these jeans have transformed into even more classic garments as they now show signs of authentic (and NOT artificial factory produced 'distress/wear') by becoming naturally thread bare and ripped over a long period of time particularly around the bottom area of the jeans giving them a softer more luxurious feel.

Either wear them as is or why not give these Classic Vintage Levi 518 Jeans even more longevity, individuality and style by 'heat bonding' distinctive coloured patterns under the 'thread bare' bottom and rips to ‘let your individuality show through.’

These jeans will pretty much go with anything. Whether that be worn with a smart pair of shoes, shirt and jumper/jacket or a more casual look of trainers, T-shirt and hoody.