What is African black soap?

With natural antibacterial and exfoliating properties, African black soap acts gently to improve skin texture and tone. The soap also reduces inflammation and may help treat some signs of aging like dark spots or wrinkles. You can use African black soap on your face, hands, body — even your hair.

What does African black soap do for your skin?

1. Removes bacteria

2. Deep cleans your skin

3. Exfoliates to help improve skin texture and tone

4. Reduces or prevents razor burn

5. Helps with mild skin rashes

6. Treats fungus

7. Moisturizes without stripping essential oils

8. May reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

9. Protects against oxidative stress

10. Reduces inflammation

11. Treats acne

12. Treats dandruff

How to use African black soap

It may take some getting used to, but soon, African black soap could become a favorite part of your self-care regimen. First, try a little bit on a small area of your body (patch test), especially if you have dry or sensitive skin.

For extra moisturizing, if your skin feels tight after cleansing, choose a black soap that contains shea butter. You can also try adding honey to your soap. Remember, a little goes a long way. Using too much African black soap can dry out or irritate your skin.

You may find it best to use this soap only two to three times a week, switching it up with a gentler cleanser on the other days. Dr. Vij offers these extra tips:

  1. Cut or pull a small portion of soap off the bar or dissolve it in water, so it’s smoother and gentler to use.
  2. Lather the soap into your hands before applying to your face, body or hair.
  3. Massage it into your skin with your hands or a washcloth for about 90 seconds in circular motions.
  4. Rinse off completely.
  5. Apply moisturizer and hair conditioner.

Is it safe to use African black soap every day?

Yes, it’s safe to add African black soap to your daily skin care routine. Clean and refresh your skin once or twice a day (morning and at bedtime) with the soap, followed by a skin toner and moisturizer. And don’t forget sunscreen!

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