Flower Of Maryam dried  Chaste Tree Herb Palm Of Mary 490 grams

What is the trace of Mary’s palm?
The Vitex agnus-castus plant, also known as the chaste tree, is a distinctive shrub that now bears violet flowers in addition to its small fruits, which are called chaste berries or monk's berries. This name comes back to his name, as men call it from fire.

Due to the many benefits of Maryam palm, many foods based on doses and seeds rich in Maryam palm are currently being sold, which are used for many gynecological diseases, including those caused by the above, menstrual disorders, and sciatica symptoms.

It is believed that the benefits of Maryam herb are due to its effect on the levels of a number of sexual proteins. This herb works to improve the production of mitochondria, and therefore it is smart from the levels and burning of pronestron. She also believes that the palm tree plant can affect prolactin levels.

What are the benefits of Maryam's palm?
The most well-known benefits of Maryam’s palm are its benefits for women, as it helps with many diseases that can affect a woman’s comprehensive system. Below we mention its benefits and other benefits:

Benefits of Maryam's palm to relieve menstrual symptoms
The most important of the benefits of Maryam palm for women, which Maryam herb is often taken for is the inability to experience menstrual symptoms, including:

Rotating head.
Breast and tenderness pain.
It is taken into account that these components of the palm of Mary are due to their ability to reduce estrogen and prolactin levels, which helps restore other body vitamins, as well as erogen and progesterone.

Regarding the validity of this benefit, an experimental study was conducted in Australia in 2012, which was tested on 60 women between the ages of 18 and 18. It was found that the palmate plant three times a day for three consecutive cycles reduced premenstrual symptoms by a percentage of 93%. However, this study did not exclude placebo effects.

Therefore, in two subsequent studies, which observed fewer women with PMS, a group of women was given 20 mg of Maryam daily and no other medications were given a placebo, for three cycles. As it does not contain a percentage of women, as it began to appear after taking the weak herb of Mary's palm, in which they took the placebo.

There is still more investigation to achieve these benefits of Coverim.

Read also: Premenstrual treatment

Benefits of Maryam's palm for pregnancy
A number of people use clary palm for pregnancy, as it is believed that this herb can increase their fertility, due to its timely effect on the levels and regulation of prolactin.

The benefits of Mary's palm for pregnancy may be true for women who suffer from a disorder in the luteal phase (or the second half of the menstrual cycle), as this disorder is linked to abnormally high levels of prolactin, which accompanies pregnancy.

Many studies have been conducted to investigate the benefits of tea as a contraindication for pregnancy, as there are:

Decreased levels of pronzactin when women are given permission to raise levels of the first pronzactin 40 mg of the herb as a frame, and this can be similar to the effectiveness of agricultural companies.
Perlactin levels were changed and menstruation occurred in women with luteal phase abnormalities who were given 20 mg of clary palm.
When a supplement containing the palm of Mary formula was given to a group of women who had tried to conceive without success for a period of 6 to 36 months, after 3 months of treatment their protein levels improved, and they gained 26%.
The benefits of Maryam's palm for pregnancy are also due to improving the menstrual cycle in women who do not suffer from irregular menstruation, as the irregular menstrual cycle can hinder the pregnancy planning process.

For more: Herbs that help with pregnancy and stimulate ovaries

Benefits of Maryam's palm for age
In addition to the ability of the Maryam palm plant to improve the kitchen, including Maryam palm as well, it contributes to the absence of symptoms of electricity deficiency in the body.

It was found that giving it before or after a woman at an early age improved these symptoms, including improvement in nutritional status and sleep, mild night sweats and hot flashes. It was also found in New Delhi that the drug Kail Maryam causes menstruation again after New Delhi as a result of the woman reaching the age of her expectations.

However, these benefits of cleft palate have not been observed in all studies, as in many of the studies that reported benefits, women were given dietary nutritional supplements containing clamshell herbs, along with another clam herb, so it is difficult to determine. Effects of Maryam's palm alone.

More research is still needed on this.

Benefits of Mary's palm for endometriosis
One of the herbs used in the uses of uterine flora migrans is the herb Maryam, which was extensively reviewed in 2016. This herb can change the rest and nutrition of uterine flora, which has a major role in the infection of uterine flora.

Maryam's palm recipe can also help in treating the symptoms of this disease, including irregular menstruation and breast pain. It can also result in the treatment of infertility, in addition to the woman suffering from uterine ectopic syndrome.

Benefits of Maryam's palm for lice
Using a botanical extract of Maryam can help repel mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and fleas for about six hours. Therefore, this law can be used to protect against Al-Kamil.

It has been found that a spray containing clary clary in addition to other herbal decoctions can provide protection against body lice for up to six hours.