WHEN George Papashvily landed in this country from Georgia in Russia, he thought anything can happen — and in twenty years he has not changed his mind.

It is possible to describe Anything Can Happen in a dozen ways, all of them true. It is the story of the making of an American. It is an adventure story. It is a book of delicious humor. It is folklore. It is an illustration, in vivid colors, of the things that American democracy has accomplished, and also of the ways in which it has occasionally failed.

There was the day George arrived at Ellis Island and was persuaded to trade his fine karakul hat for a cotton cap said to be the height of fashion in America. There was the time he and Helen acquired a farm to house the prizes George planned to win, and the time they gave an Easter party to be remembered forever. And there are other wonderful incidents, some funny, some moving. For the adjustment of a newcomer to America is no easy thing, and the rare humor of this book is very often dose to tears.

Helen Papashvily, who is George's wife, has set down the story as he has told it.

This special edition of ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN by George and Helen Papashvily has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher, Harper & Brothers, New York.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime

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