SAGE VAUGHN von Emily Luo

Art Nr.: 1937222152
ISBN 13: 9781937222154
B-Nr: INF1100578215
ReleaseYear: 2012
Published by: Gingko Press Gmbh
Cover: hardcover
Cover Format: 325x263x22
Pages: 133
Weight: 1340 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Emily Luo

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His first monograph in years, The Art of Sage Vaughn presents an up to date glimpse into the evolution of this memorable artist. Contrasting themes of riotous life with decay and vibrant colour against muted grey provide a tension in his work between the natural world and the artificial. The masterful use of drip lines in his paintings gives a feeling of fragility and delicacy to his subjects, but also reminds the viewer of the impermanence of life. Dreams of the past retreat into the vanishing point and leave us with a new reality and relationship with our world.
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His first monograph in years, The Art of Sage Vaughn presents an up to date glimpse into the evolution of this memorable artist. Contrasting themes of riotous life with decay and vibrant color agains muted grey provide a tension in his work between the natural world and the artifical. Many of his paintings are a palimpsest, with multi-hued birds and butterflies still or in motion, superimposed over washed out scenes of urban reality. The masterful use of drip lines in his paintings gives a feeling of fragility and delicacy to his subjects, but also reminds the viewer of the impermanence of life. Dreams of the past retreat into the vanishing point and leave us with a new reality and relationship with our world. Sage Vaughn has shown his work throughout the US and Europe.

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Emily Luo

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