37146870200 Height Level Sensor for 2014-2021 BMW i3 i8 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7
Important Notice...
Please make sure the Globally Unified Number OE number of the car part you want to replace
is the same as the one we linked before purchase,
because different model numbers may correspond to different products,
please contact your local dealer, agent or car mechanic to confirm the part.
So, in addition to confirming whether the OEM number of the product parts
is the same as the number we linked to or whether it is the universal number of the parts
(please contact your local dealer, agent or auto mechanic to confirm the parts),
then it is best to write down the 17-digit VIN in the buyer's note when placing an order,
so that when we receive your order, we will also check whether the OE number
is applicable to the model of your car, to make sure that the parts fit your vehicle.
Make sure the parts fit your vehicle....
If in any case, your Vin does not match the device,
we can suggest the right part for your vehicle....
Product Details:
Brand new  packaging ....
Item is brand new and has never been used ....
Item needs to be installed by a trained mechanic (item does not include installation guide).
Fits For BMW
Fits For x1 (f48) 2014-
Fits For x2 (f39) 2017-
Fits For x3 (g01, f97) 2017-
Fits For x4 (g02, f98) 2018-
Fits For x5 (f15, f85) 2013-2018
Fits For x6 (f16, f86) 2014-2019
Fits For x7 (g07) 2019-
Interchangeable numbers:
Fits For 3714 6 853 747
Fits For 3714 6 867 646
Fits For 3714 6 870 200
Fits For 3714 6 895 467