Lascivia. Libro 1 / Lascivious Book 1 | Eva Muñoz | spanisch

Autor: Eva Muñoz
Format: kartoniert
Seitenanzahl: 336
Verlag: Prh Grupo Editorial
Erscheinungsdatum: 20220726
Sprache: spanisch
Genre: Importe
Serie: Wattpad. Pecados Placenteros
Höhe in mm: 32
Länge in mm: 216
Breite in mm: 141
Gewicht in g: 420

"Her leave is over and Rachel must go back to her post as lieutenant in the FEMF army, finding that the London central isn't quite the same. A new colonel has arrived, arrogant, with a kind of unearthly beauty. A man with iron blades for eyes that keep Rachel between a rock and a hard place, being tempted by a superior officer. She knows it is unhealthy--well, and it is neither right, simply because this man that incites unholy desires in her is best friends with Bratt Lewis, her boyfriend. Mafias, secret armies, unfaithfulness, addiction, deception. Complicated? Not at all. Complicated is interacting with temptation made flesh, a man's flesh."

EVA MUÑOZ (Colombia, 1994) es una de las últimas estrellas de la plataforma Wattpad donde ha conseguido hacerse un nombre propio dentro de la comunidad de la plataforma gracias a su triología de los Pecados Placenteros que ha enganchado a másde 180 millones de lectores. Eva escribe como ama, con pasión.