Here we have a whopping 18 inches of gleaming aluminumin. 23 fins run the streamlined extruded length, each .093” thick with about .15” spacing which fills out the 5.375 inches of width. It stands about 1.375 inches in height, including the 1/4 inch base from which the fins sprout. The extrusion has a handy 3/8” flange on the 18” sides for easy mounting, extending the width to 6.125”. It’s solid back is pocked with holes, a badge of honor from the good old days. A new life is on the horizon for this reclaimed aluminum, and it has the sinking feeling it is up for the task.

This former 400 watt LED heatsink is ideal for DIY projects and is perfect if you are looking for high-quality extruded aluminum.

Where do most heatsinks originate? Finland.