Product Description

The Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser is a revolutionary hydration companion, designed to enhance your daily water intake with a burst of natural flavour and nutrients. 

Holding 1 Litre of water, this meticulously crafted bottle is perfect for those looking to achieve their hydration goals with a bit of a twist. It features an innovative infuser cage where you can add your favourite fruits, vegetables, or herbs, transforming ordinary water into a delicious, vitamin-packed drink. 

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Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser 1L

Product Description

The Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser is a revolutionary hydration companion, designed to enhance your daily water intake with a burst of natural flavour and nutrients. 

Holding 1 Litre of water, this meticulously crafted bottle is perfect for those looking to achieve their hydration goals with a bit of a twist. It features an innovative infuser cage where you can add your favourite fruits, vegetables, or herbs, transforming ordinary water into a delicious, vitamin-packed drink. 

The bottle is equipped with a locking lid to prevent spills, a hand grip for easy carrying, and a timeline on the side, making it simple to track your water consumption throughout the day. Whether at home, in the office, or on the go, the Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser is your ally in maintaining optimal hydration for a healthy, radiant glow.

Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser is available in: 1 Litre

Product Highlights:

  • Holds 1 Litre, encouraging ample daily water intake
  • Includes an infuser cage for flavourful, nutrient-rich water
  • Features a locking lid, hand grip, and consumption timeline for convenience and motivation

Usage & Ingredients

How to Use Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser:

  1. Fill the infuser cage with your chosen fruits, vegetables, or herbs.
  2. Insert the cage back into the bottle and fill it with water.
  3. Secure the locking lid and enjoy your infused water throughout the day.
  4. Use the timeline on the bottle's side to monitor and motivate your water consumption.

Incorporate the Clean Skin Club Water Bottle Infuser into your daily routine to stay hydrated and enjoy a flavourful twist on your water intake. It's a simple yet effective tool to aid in achieving a healthier lifestyle and a radiant complexion.