IN SPEAKING of this book and its author, Mr. Zevin, the editor, says: "It all began shortly after we published Irvin Cobb's anthology, World's Great Humorous Stories. In one of his letters to me, the author urged that I consider publishing a 'roundup or cavalcade' of his works in one volume, to include not only his best humorous stories, but his serious stories as well. The plan appealed to me at once, if for no other reason than to have under the imprint of my firm some of the writing which had given me so much reading pleasure. . . .

"Cobb was bursting with enthusiasm for the projected book. What appealed to him most was the fact that these stories would be made available to the widest possible group of readers in a popular one-volume edition.. . .

"It was only a few weeks later that he passed on. The sense of shock and loss was personal, and yet one which I shared with countless thousands of people — the world over. Irvin S. Cobb was a talented writer, after dinner speaker, humorist, and journalist; he wrote scenarios for movies and acted in them; his pleasant throaty voice was familiar to millions of radio listeners. But he was, above all, a great individualist whose name is enshrined—not only for his genius—but for his Americanism which won American hearts."

This special edition of COBB'S CAVALCADE edited by B. D. Zevin has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher, The World Publishing Company. Cleveland.

Editions for the Armed Services. Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime