"Blaster" Bates, demolition expert, stunt man and raconteur was born in 1923 in Cheshire. A strapping lad of 6 foot 4, he bore a striking resemblance to John Wayne, with a Cheshire accent. He flew Halifax bombers in the Second World War, taking an opportunity with the RAF to specialise in bomb disposal after the war. This stimulated an interest in explosives that led to a 40 year career demolishing much of the outdated industrial sites in the North East of England and earned him the nickname "Blaster". He was personally responsible for changing the local landscape by demolishing over 500 tall chimney-stacks, 53 in St. Helens alone. As befits such a character, his hobbies were shooting, fishing and motorcycle stunt riding including stints on the "wall of death". His bluff personality and quick wit led to a second career as a full time raconteur, recounting his exploits as a demolition expert in uncompromising language. He was in demand as an after dinner speaker and from the late 1960s issued a series of long playing albums recorded before live audiences, each released to ever increasing sales and fame. He appeared on television many times and published his memoirs in 1994, "The Master Blaster". He would often bring explosives to his performances creating that little bit of edge which had audiences eating out of the palm of his hand. He had many passions, as well as shooting, fishing and blowing things up he loved motorcycles, Rugby Union and charity work. A much loved figure, he raised millions of pounds in his lifetime for disabled children. Over the years his albums have rarely been out of print and have always sold well, finding new audiences and rekindling interest in old ones. Accumulated sales are certainly well past the one million mark.