RKS Henna Herbal Mehendi for Hair Women and Men | Natural Henna Mehendi for Hair | Long Lasting & Silky Smooth Black Hair Color Mehendi | Organic Mehendi Powder for Hair Men and Women, Black - (60g x 4)

  • Long-Lasting Color: The powder undergoes a meticulous processing method to intensify its black pigment, resulting in a long-lasting and vibrant color payoff. This means fewer touch-ups are required, and the black hue remains prominent for an extended period, contributing to cost-effectiveness and convenience.
  • Botanical Goodness: The powder is enriched with herbal goodness, containing nutrients and antioxidants that contribute to overall hair health. These botanical ingredients may help soothe the scalp, promote hair growth, and strengthen the hair shaft.
  • Versatility: Besides its primary use as a hair dye, Black Henna Hair Color Powder is versatile and can be utilized as a natural hair conditioner. This dual functionality adds value to the product, offering users a comprehensive hair care solution in a single package.
  • Sustainable Choice: As a natural product, Black Henna Hair Color Powder aligns with the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly beauty options. It reduces the environmental impact associated with traditional hair dyes, which may contain harmful chemicals and synthetic ingredients.
  • Easy Application: The powder is typically easy to mix and apply, providing a hassle-free coloring experience. Many users appreciate the simplicity of the application process, making it accessible to those who prefer at-home hair coloring.