1. Our braces are made of food-grade material, which is safe, nontoxic and odorless, so you can use them with confidence.

2. This braces is specially made according to the shape of adult teeth, perfectly fits into human teeth, is easy to wear and is not easy to fall off.

3. It can help you cover your unsightly teeth, prevent you from being bothered by your teeth, and bloom a confident smile.

4. Suitable for people with various dental problems, such as sparse teeth, uneven teeth, yellow teeth, black teeth, missing teeth, etc.

Note: The product is a decorative denture and cannot be used as a professional denture.


Material: PE/ polyethylene

Gross weight: 50g

Packing size: 1.5*8.3cm


Step1: Place Perfect Smile in boiling water for 2 minutes.

Step2: Press firmly against your teeth perfect custom fit.

Step3: Now,show all your million dollar smile.

Package Included:

1* Braces (upper teeth+lower teeth)

1* ABS box