One box contains 45 packets.
2 box set. Contains a total of 90 packets.

・One box contains collagen equivalent to 45 shark fins
・A luxurious supplement that also contains domestically produced Akoya pearl powder.
・GINZA TOMATO SHARK FIN COLLAGEN with Genuine Pearl Plus Jelly

[Raw materials/components]
Shark fin extract, apple puree, high-fructose corn syrup, apple juice, gelatin, apple polyphenols, pearl powder, vitamin C, fragrance

【how to use】
Please enjoy 1 to 3 bottles a day at your preferred time. It can be enjoyed chilled or added to dishes.

Collagen is present everywhere in the body and plays an important role in maintaining a youthful and healthy body. However, it decreases with age. Shark fins are rich in collagen, hyaluronic acid, and chondrotin. "Shark Fin Collagen Genuine Pearl Plus" is a delicious supplement made by adding Akoya pearls and apple puree to shark fin extract. One package provides 3,000mg of shark fin collagen, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C, real pearl powder, and apple polyphenols.

・The raw material is blue shark fin.
・One packet (pearl powder) is equivalent to more than one Akoya pearl.
-One package contains more than the equivalent of one apple.
・Vitamin C is a nutrient that helps maintain the health of the skin and mucous membranes and has an antioxidant effect.