Please note… by buying this doll you are inviting a spirit to come into your home

I do not allow refunds, returns or cancellations so please think before you buy


I PLEASE NOTE; it may take months with you to see any activity with a doll when it moves from one location to another, please give it time very rarely will you see activity immediately, Allow the doll time to feel comfortable in your home

Immediate payment required no exceptions

Meet SHRI 24in

SHRI is a Positive goddess of love, light, beauty and wealth

Just looking at her you should be able to fill her positive healing vibes vibes

And not only is she a healing doll she also brings love beauty and abundance into your life

Share your dreams and desires with Shri, and she will help them come true

Her positive vibes will radiate throughout you and your home

She can absorb any negative energy and replace it with positive energy

She will help manifest all good things into your life

Whether it be the powers of he

Finding love and beauty

Or creating abundance into your life

Tell her what you need help with and she will help you as long as you believe in her

She will communicate with you through a dream state and you can feel her positive vibes immediately

Just looking at her picture, you should be able to feel it

She is an extraordinary spirit that feels spaces with love and light radiates manifestation and blesses you with her magic

Share all your problems with her and she will help you solve them

There is nothing she can’t do

It will be helpful if you light a white candle around her daily and give her a small token (she loves flowers)

As you like the white candle, pray to her and tell her your your goals and dreams, and what you would like, manifested into your life and she will help you

Trust me, she is listening and you will be able to feel it

Shri also likes to communicate through a pendulum and tarot cards but she is most active in your dreams and she will communicate with you and your mind so don’t dismiss what she is telling you

***Please note you are purchasing a spirited item, and a wide range of paranormal activity may occur. With that being said this is NOT A TOY and spirit must be treated with respect. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. No Returns***

eBay requires I state this is for entertainment purposes only and you are purchasing a tangible doll

I am avid collector of haunted dolls most of my dolls are negative energy

The dolls that I do have that are positive healing, or ones of abundance and love are not kept with my negative Dolls at any time