A Custom PC Build made from spare and scrapped parts that were lying around not being used. This is meant as an entry level build to get started on for whatever you need it for and to upgrade procedurally from there. It would be great as a gaming rig, creative media, productivity, server and whatever else you could throw at it. 

  • GPU - EVGA GTX 960 SSC 4Gb
  • CPU - AMD FX8320 - 3.6Ghz
  • MEM - Crucial DDR3 4x2 (8Gb)
  • STG - 250Gb WD HDD + Maxtor 300GB HDD
  • Gigabyte Mb
  • 500W PSU
  • Bit Fenix Nova Tower
  • I/O USB 2.0/3.0
  • Wifi - with adapter
All cooling is stock. Extra feature of a laptop DVD disc drive next to the PSU that would need a micro SATA power adapter, but the option is there if disc compatibility is important for you.

Clean install of Windows 10.

Included with is a Wifi adapter as well as various bits of unused hardware and stock goodies. 

Whether you're just getting started building PCs or are a hardened veteran builder looking for a burner/test rig, this system will serve you well!