
rugs represent a broad range of designs, from updated classics, to abstracted naturals, to lively geometrics. This collection draws inspiration from the diverse art traditions of Belgium, Tibet, India, and beyond. All of these rugs epitomize the collaboration between the design experts at and Safavieh’s transcendent quality and craftsmanship. With wonderful colors and fine fibers, all of these rugs feature unmatched warmth, vitality, and character.
Contemporary design is a stylish addition to any room of the home
Meticulously detailed artisan crafted hand-woven construction
Made from natural premium jute fibers
Medium 0.59-inch pile thickness for a sleek look and support underfoot
Safavieh has been a trusted brand and leader in home furnishings for over 100 years, providing quality craftsmanship, unmatched style, and the latest trends; Begin your rug search with Safavieh and explore over 100,000 products today