3  Short Pieces from Our Coney Island Theatre, An original, mimeographed issue, in cartoon / comics form. 8 pp

Not dated. Early 1970s.

 around 5.6x4.3 inch.

Very good condition with minor wear etc.

"Peter and Elka Schumann founded The Bread & Puppet Theater in 1963 on New York City’s Lower East Side. It was active during the Vietnam War in anti-war protests, primarily in New York City. During the Vietnam War, B&P staged block-long processions involving hundreds of participants. Many people remember it as central to the political spectacle of the time, as its enormous puppets (often ten to fifteen feet tall) were a fixture of many demonstrations.

From the beginning, Bread and Puppet augmented its theatrical productions with a lively output of self-published (mostly mimeographed) pamphlets, broadsides, and chap-books. Like the puppet-plays (and often designed to accompany them), these publications bridged the gap between artistic expression and moral pedagogy, combining an avant-garde, insistently primitive graphic style with simple left-wing political messages. The results were some of the most compelling (if crudely-produced) artist’s books of the period. The “Newspaper”, issued from 1966 through the early 1970s, drew on contemporary news headlines, using stories pulled from the daily newspapers as inspiration for a brief, illustrated morality tale."