Hydrangea Nilko Blue 5 bareroot Per Bandle 12-18  Hieght tall

The Nikko Blue Hydrangea is a perfect fit for your garden. With its lush, green foliage and huge flowers, this Hydrangea will definitely add color to your landscape.

Plant your Nikko Blue Hydrangea anywhere. Hydrangeas can be planted as a specimen, in groups of 3's, or even a hedge. This Hydrangea will get up to 5 feet tall by 5 feet wide.

This Nikko Blue Hydrangea likes acidic soil. If the soil is more on the neutral size, the color of the blooms will be pinker. Add aluminum sulfate to the soil to make your blooms bluer.

Hydrangeas will thrive in full sun to part shade areas. Be sure to keep your new Hydrangea watered after planting. Hydrangeas are the first plant in the landscape to show signs of wilting when dry.

The Nikko Blue Hydrangea is a low-maintenance shrub. After each bloom, prune off old blooms and your Hydrangea will bloom again! In the winter months, prune lightly to maintain size