Shakespeare & Co.: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and the Other Players in His Story (Vintage)Stanley Wells

Art Nr.: 0307280535

ISBN 13: 9780307280534

B-Nr: INF1000284299

Subtitle: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and the Other Players in His Story

Release year: 2008

Published by: Vintage

Cover: Taschenbuch

Cover Format: 201x132x15

Pages: 304

Weight: 284 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Stanley Wells

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From the dean of Shakespeare studies comes a lively, entertaining work of biography that firmly locates Shakespeare within the hectic, exilarating world in which he lived and worked.Theatre in Shakespeare's day was a growth industry. Everyone knew everyone else, and they all sought to learn, borrow, or steal from one another. Stanley Wells explores the theatre world from behind the scenes, examining how the great actors of the time influenced Shakespeare's work. He writes about the lives and works of the other major writers of the day and discusses Shakespeare's relationships-sometimes collaborative--with each of them. Throughout, Wells shares his vast knowledge of the period, re-creating and celebrating the sheer richness and variety of the social and cultural milieus that gave rise to the greatest writer in our language.
Literature - Classics / Criticism LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh LITERARY CRITICISM / Shakespeare