SAVING SPACE in your kitchen drawers as it is collapsible.

SAVING MONEY in your pocket as you can reuse it.

SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT by not using plastic wrap to keep food fresh.

These silicone bowls are great for the WHOLE FAMILY and can be reused over and over again.

Going for a playdate with your toddler? Just pack a few fruits or veggies into the bowl and go. The airtight container will keep it fresh for when you need it.

Having leftover dinner the next day at work. Simply store it in the container in the fridge or freezer and take it out when you need it and heat it up in the same container.

Easy to clean as you can just throw it in the dishwasher or handwash it in the sink. Ready for the next use.Why Silicone is your BEST option?

Non-toxic polymer

Can withstand high heat without leaching hazardous chemicals, such as BPA, Phthalates and PVC (like some plastic equivalents)

Naturally anti-bacterial and super easy to clean

More environmentally friendly than plastic

Highly durable so it lasts longer even when used every day


★ Clean or disinfect it before the first time using.

★ Please use cautiously when filled with liquids.