Vitamin K2 is a fat soluble vitamin originally discovered as being responsible for blood coagulation. Recently, further benefits have been studied which show the importance of vitamin K2 in processing calcium. Vitamin K2 works synergistically with vitamin D to move calcium into the correct areas of the body such as bones and teeth and away from arteries and soft tissues. Vitamin K2 (MK-7) is the ideal form of vitamin k2 due to its longer half life which stays in the body longer helping maintain a consistent blood level.

Vitamin K2 is naturally made using fermented soy. The soy beans are soaked in water and the bacteria Bacillus subtilis added to create a traditional Japanese dish called Natto. This fermentation process produces high levels of vitamin K2 which are then extracted from the soy beans. Only the vitamin K2 is extracted and used in the manufacturing process but soy is present on site.

– Vitamin K contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
– Vitamin K contributes to normal blood clotting