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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Arjun Panesar
The Title is Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare : Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes

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Product Description -
This updated second edition offers a guided tour of machine learning algorithms and architecture design. It provides real-world applications of intelligent systems in healthcare and covers the challenges of managing big data. The book has been updated with the latest research in massive data, machine learning, and AI ethics. It covers new topics in managing the complexities of massive data, and provides examples of complex machine learning models. Updated case studies from global healthcare providers showcase the use of big data and AI in the fight against chronic and novel diseases, including COVID-19. The ethical implications of digital healthcare, analytics, and the future of AI in population health management are explored. You will learn how to create a machine learning model, evaluate its performance, and operationalize its outcomes within your organization. Case studies from leading healthcare providers cover scaling global digital services. Techniques are presented to evaluate the efficacy, suitability, and efficiency of AI machine learning applications through case studies and best practice, including the Internet of Things. You will understand how machine learning can be used to develop health intelligence-with the aim of improving patient health, population health, and facilitating significant care-payer cost savings. What You Will LearnUnderstand key machine learning algorithms and their use and implementation within healthcareImplement machine learning systems, such as speech recognition and enhanced deep learning/AIManage the complexities of massive dataBe familiar with AI and healthcare best practices, feedback loops, and intelligent agentsWho This Book Is ForHealth care professionals interested in how machine learning can be used to develop health intelligence - with the aim of improving patient health, population health and facilitating significant care-payer cost savings.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153735473

Unique Reference Number 2319605765