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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Durene Jones
The Title is The Book of Cross Stitch : An Essential Guide

Condition New

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Product Description -
The Book of Cross Stitch is an essential guide for stitchers of all abilities, from an absolute beginner just learning a new craft through to the more experienced stitcher looking to expand their knowledge. It covers all aspects of the craft from a brief history through materials and tools available and techniques used to creating your own chart all straightforwardly explained. Also provided in the book are a selection of projects for various abilities, that grow in complexity as they cover the various techniques outlined in the book, so your craft and skills can grow as you progress through the projects, making it an informative and inspirational book for all stitchers to enjoy. The Book of Cross Stitch is an essential guide for stitchers of all abilities, from an absolute beginner just learning a new craft through to the more experienced stitcher looking to expand their knowledge. AUTHOR: Durene Jones is a cross stitch designer whose designs have been published in many popular cross stitch magazines. She is the author of Cross Stitch: Floral Summer Days. She lives in Durham, England.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153758247

Unique Reference Number 2254688870