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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Dinah Orji
The Title is Children of the Benin Kingdom

Condition New

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Product Description -
Ada has lived close to the great rainforest for her whole life, helping her beloved Papa Eze to heal fellow villagers when they fall sick. But when Papa Eze himself becomes ill, he knows it's time to reveal to Ada her true heritage - time for her to travel deep into the forest to discover the ancient Edo kingdom of Benin, and to use everything within her power to heal the terrible divisions that are tearing the kingdom apart. Relying on her close friendships, the guidance of her ancestors and her own self-belief, Ada sets off on an incredible journey which tests her strengths to their limit. A fast-paced adventure, this story brings to life one of Africa's most fascinating civilizations, the ancient Edo Kingdom of Benin. This is an immersive adventure story and perfect for any child who enjoys being transported to another world. It fits well with the increasing interest in African fiction and stories that are inclusive, diverse and explore a greater range of cultures, stories and settings. The historical Benin Kingdom is now an option for UK primary teachers at KS2, ages 7 - 11 and as exciting, accurate historical fiction this is the perfect reader for teachers looking to diversify their history teaching. The book includes a factual section at the end, to help readers widen their knowledge of the ancient Kingdom of Benin and West African culture and traditions. Teachers notes, linked to the text, are also available to download for free from the publishers, Dinosaur Books Ltd.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154652549

Unique Reference Number 2254646745