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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Eavan Boland
The Title is New Collected Poems: Eavan Boland

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
Ten years ago Carcanet published Eavan Boland's first Collected Poems, a book which confirmed her place at the forefront of modern Irish poetry. The New Collected Poems brings the record of her achievement up to date, adding The Lost Land 1998 and Code 2001. It also fills out the early record, reproducing two key poems from 23 Poems 1962, New Territory 1967, The War Horse 1975 and her later books it includes passages from her unpublished 1971 play Femininity and Freedom. Following the chronology of publication, the reader experiences the exhilarating sense of development, now incremental, now momentous. Her writing and example are vitally enabling for young writers and readers she traces a measured process of emancipation from conventions and stereotypes, writing now in a space she has cleared not by violent rejection, but by dialogue, critical engagement and patient experimentation with form, theme and language

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154697109

Unique Reference Number 2254576236