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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Alix Browne
The Title is A.F.Vandevorst : Ende Neu

Condition New

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Product Description -
A fascinating insight into the stimulating universe of Belgium's cult fashion designer duo A.F. Vandevorst. A universe of fetishes, fur, leather, sensual folds and tight straitjackets... That is what Belgian fashion designers A.F. Vandevorst stand for. This publication celebrates their twentieth anniversary. An Vandevorst and Filip Arickx met in 1987, on their first day of school at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Ten years later, they set up their company Blixa and presented their first collection as A.F. Vandevorst in Paris. They have collaborated with such people as the flamboyant and world-famous hat designer Stephen Jones and have grown to become one of Belgium's most edgy cult designers, closely connected to the Antwerp Six Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, Walter Van Beirendonck . With fashion shows and flagship stores in Paris, New York and London, they are much respected internationally and hugely admired in Japan. A.F. Vandevorst's aesthetics are the result of their strong love for the visual arts, music and literature and of their great interest in cultural archetypes. This book focuses on their diverse inspirations, including Joseph Beuys, the military and the medical scene, and is a collaboration with artists to whom An and Filip feel strongly connected. Among them is Blixa Bargeld Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds/Einsturzende Neubauten, who was the source of their first company's name and has been a big inspiration ever since. Following an intuitive order, this book gives an intimate, very exciting and stimulating insight into the fascinating world of A.F. Vandevorst. Be inspired by twenty years of limitless passion for fashion.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 156746690

Unique Reference Number 2254635797