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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Andrew Powell-Thomas
The Title is 50 Gems of Wiltshire : The History & Heritage of the Most Iconic Places

Condition New

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Product Description -
Wiltshire is one of the largest counties in southern England. Much of it is comprised of high chalk downland, most famously on Salisbury Plain, and wide valleys and vales, often with rivers running through them, but in the north-west Wiltshire runs into the Cotswolds and south-east Wiltshire lies on the edge of the New Forest. Wiltshire is unsurpassed in its ancient sites, from the Neolithic monuments of Stonehenge and Avebury to numerous barrows and burial chambers. Later ages have also added to Wiltshire's gems, from the distinctive white horses cut into the chalk on hillsides, to Salisbury Cathedral, Longleat and the gardens at Stourhead. In 50 Gems of Wiltshire author Andrew Powell-Thomas explores the many places and their history that make this part of the South West so special. The 50 Gems include ancient sites of the earliest settlers in the area, castles, historic towns and villages, stunning country houses and estates, natural beauty spots and many other treasures. Alongside the justly famous the author includes many lesser-known gems that are equally deserving of attention.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153777329

Unique Reference Number 2254708511