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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Naomi Norman
The Title is Maths Progress Depth Book 1 : Second Edition

Condition New

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Product Description -
Maths Progress Depth Books are part of the series that develops reasoning, fluency and problem-solving to boost students' confidence at Key Stage 3 and give them the best preparation for progressing to GCSE study. The Depth Books provide scaffolding and support on key concepts for each lesson in the Core Textbook so students can explore key concepts to their fullest. Also available in the series: Core Textbooks that cover the whole KS3 curriculum with a focus on pace, linking topics and building on concepts to develop reasoning, fluency and problem-solving skills Support Books that provide scaffolding and support on key concepts for each unit in the Core Textbook Purposeful Practice Books fully aligned to the course and based on cutting-edge approaches such as minimal variation and small steps to help students make the most of practice.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153611714

Unique Reference Number 2256919301