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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Greg Welty
The Title is Why Is There Evil in the World and So Much of It

Condition New

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Many people argue that the presence of evil in the world is proof that God cannot exist, or if He does exist, cannot be good or all-powerful. Greg Welty uses biblical exegesis alongside his experience as a philosopher to present a different conclusion. God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of the world, really does work all things for good. A must-read for anyone struggling with this issue. Chapter titles include:1. What is the Problem of Evil2. The Greater-Good Theodicy: A Threefold Argument for Three Biblical Themes3. Licensing the Greater-Good Theodicy: God's Sovereignty over Evil4. Limiting the Greater-Good Theodicy: The Inscrutability of God's Purposes5. Can Free Will or the Laws of Nature Solve the Problem of Evil6. ObjectionsAppendix: Going Beyond Job, Joseph and Jesus for the Greater-Good Theodicy The Big Ten: Critical Questions Answered is a Christian apologetics series which addresses ten commonly asked questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity. Each book, while easy to read, is challenging and thought-provoking, dealing with subjects ranging from hell to science. A good read whatever your present opinions. The first two titles in the series are:Why Should I Believe Christianity by James N. AndersonDoes Christianity Really Work by Williams Edgar

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153644876

Unique Reference Number 2256954706